Public Policy Updates

What Public Policy Is (and means to AAUW Members)

What Public Policy Is (and means to AAUW Members)

Policy Committee is off and running for the year. Over coffee and a great breakfast at the Tower Cafe, Nancy McCabe, Jo Reiken, Nancy Swanson, Karen Humphrey, and Inger Lindholm met and discussed the plan for the year. We will continue to write short interest articles on vital subjects of women’s rights and issues.

We have a sponsored program with the League of Womens Voters on Saturday, Oct. 1, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Robbie Waters Pocket Greenhaven Library, 7335 Gloria Drive. The League will present on the pros and cons of selected ballot propositions.

Members voiced interest in being more directly involved with policy issues and bills. A State Capitol visit and tour is in the planning stages and will likely be scheduled before the legislative year begins on January 4.

Our new member, Karen Humphrey, has a deep interest in Title IX and will coordinate outreach to the school community. We have ideas for a program in May that will emphasize the energetic and resourceful groups that are advocating for women and their affiliation with AAUW. The Stronger Women Advocacy coalition has agreed to support us in this endeavor. We are planning a voter registration day in alliance with League of Women Voters.

If you are interested in being a member or a supporter of our committee with limited time, we can use you.