Interest Group Updates by Cherril Peabody

Our 2016-17 AAUW year is winding down, and I want to give a status report and start getting ideas for the next program year, which begins in July. One of our popular interest groups is coming to an end: Walk to Lunch. They started off the year with 23 members and ended the last three months with only two walkers. That’s a shame, but it is evident that group members’ interests and priorities have changed, and there is no sense continuing with so little participation. A big thank you is due to Susan Potter for her seven years of leading this group! Are there other groups that are having a hard time and may be feeling their time is up? If so, please let me know.

I would like to start planning now for some new groups. What about a political action group that meets to discuss current issues and compose and send letters and postcards to political leaders advocating for women’s issues? Also, there were a couple other good ideas last year that maybe didn’t receive enough publicity. One idea was for a group that would attend film screenings of the Metropolitan Opera. Another was for a group that would play chamber music. I know we have musicians and opera buffs among our members. Maybe you can think of a specific mission-based project that we could turn into an interest group. Please email me at if you are interested in any of these ideas or if you have one of your own.