Board Briefs by Cherril Peabody

Here are the highlights of the January AAUW Sacramento Board Meeting

January 6, 2020, By Cherril Peabody

 Tech Trek Director J. Reiken reported that the committee is hoping to involve a few new schools in the program and has asked for an additional camper slot – currently, there are six – for the 2020 camp. She said it would help the branch’s chances if more branch members would support the camp by agreeing to volunteer there.

100th Anniversary Celebration Chair G. Yost announced that invitations to the Anniversary Luncheon are going out next week. She also said that singers are still needed for the reconstituted Musettes singing group that will perform at the event.

Speech Trek Co-Chair S. Beck reported that their committee purchased a camcorder that will be used to record the Feb. 15 contest. The equipment will be available to other branch committees to use as well.

Public Policy Chair A. Rose announced that the Women’s March is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 18, After discussion, a motion was made and passed to share the cost and hosting of two tables with Citrus Heights-American River (CHAR) branch at the preceding rally and at the Capitol after the march.

Membership Director J. Stuter requested help in planning a meeting for new members to enable them to learn more about branch projects and opportunities for involvement. J. Reiken and K. Burley volunteered to assist. Membership Treasurer S. Anderson will need volunteers to help stuff renewal packets at a meeting on Sunday, April 19.

Scholarship Co-Director L. Patterson announced that the Scholarship application deadline is March 2. So far one completed application has been submitted, but most applications are received in the last week before the deadline.

University Liaison G. Yost announced that A. Rose and D. Metzinger will attend an upcoming Start Smart training session in preparation for presenting a Start Smart training hosted by the branch. The CSUS affiliate is talking about sending some of its members to the national leadership training workshop, NCCWSL, hosted by National AAUW. AAUW Sacramento has over $1,000 budgeted to assist students who want to attend, and the students are also hoping to obtain funds from the university student association and to sponsor fund-raising activities. The early bird conference deadline is Feb. 16.

The Board continues to identify resources to collect data and plan strategies to increase diversity in the branch. Board members will also determine how and when to meet the goals required in the National 5 Star Recognition Program. The Board formed a Bylaws/Policy and Procedures Committee to propose changes necessary to meet the succession plan requirement in the 5 Star Plan. Secretary T. Ardisana-James and L. Patterson, Co-Director Scholarship, both volunteered to join the committee of R.A. Hines, Parliamentarian; L. Jordan and C. Goehring, Co-Presidents; A. Scarlet, Pres.-Elect; and M. McKnew, Past-President. T. Ardisana-James volunteered to host the board on the committee, 6 p.m. Jan. 28

December 2, 2019, By Cherril Peabody

 Here are the highlights of the December AAUW Sacramento Board Meeting

 100th Anniversary Committee Chair G. Yost announced that the memory book documenting AAUW Sacramento’s first 100 years has gone to the printer. All members will receive mailed invitations to the February 29th Celebration at Northridge Country Club, and local officials and other special guests will also be invited.

Speech Trek Co-Chair A. Arneill reported that 40 Elk Grove high school students attended the workshops for prospective participants in the Speech Trek 2020 Speech Contest, scheduled for Saturday, February 15, 9 am to noon at Cosumnes River College, Winn 150.

University/College Liaison G. Yost said that the last meeting of the Sacramento State AAUW affiliate was very well attended and went very well. A. Rose, D. Metzinger and G. Yost are helping the Sac State leadership team plan an AAUW Start Smart training on the campus.

Old Business-Commission on the Status of Women: Co-President C. Goehring announced that the County Board of Supervisors has appointed a Blue Ribbon Commission on the Establishment of a Sacramento County Commission on the Status of Women. The Blue Ribbon Commission has met and decided to recommend that the proposed Commission on the Status of Women be limited to around 40 members from diverse ethnicities and backgrounds. They were to meet again on December 18th.

Old Business-AAUW CA Diversity Audit: Co-President L Jordan wants to review our branch’s diversity demographics in order to create resource awareness, identify diversity targets, increase retention and create accountability structures. After discussion a consensus was reached that the branch should conduct a member survey to collect demographic information beyond the current practice of collecting age and college information.

Old Business-National AAUW’s Strategic Plan and 5 Star Program: National AAUW has embarked on carrying out a new strategic plan, inspired by financial concerns, to give the organization more flexibility in responding to changing financial needs. L. Jordan participated in a recent Webinar about the changes and what they mean to the branch organizations. There will be new 5 Star Award requirements that our branch will aspire to achieve.

New Business-Possible Changes in Board Terms: Co-Presidents L. Jordan and C. Goehring led a discussion about potential changes in the terms served by the branch board of directors. The ideas elicited included staggering terms for board positions and expanding terms of office from one year to two. The purpose of making changes would be to allow for more continuity from year to year on the board. Citrus Heights-American River branch (CHAR) has recently made such a change in its bylaws, and C. Goehring and Parliamentarian R. Hines will consult its leadership for more information.