Policies Affecting California Women’s Well Being Are November Program Focus By Cathy Locke 
Women have made considerable progress since securing the vote 100 years ago, but they still face disparities on a range of issues including economic security, health and participation in political leadership.
Representatives of the California Budget & Policy Center will update us on the status of women in Sacramento County and statewide during a November 14 presentation on the California Women’s Well Being Index. This free meeting will be held virtually, using Zoom. Please mark your calendars!
The Women’s Well Being Index, prepared by the California Budget & Policy Center, is a multifaceted composite measure looking at five dimensions of women’s well-being by county: health, personal safety, employment and earnings, economic security and political empowerment.
The California Budget & Policy Center (calbudgetcenter.org), formerly the California Budget Project, was founded in 1995 to provide an independent source of information on how budget and tax policies affect low- and middle-income Californians. The center provides analyses and commentary on issues including tax policy, economic trends, health and criminal justice.
Come learn about the issues affecting California women and how you can advocate for change.