Funds Updates by Donna Holmes and Marty McKnew


It is time to say Thank You to all members who donated to Funds in 2016. Additionally, we are especially grateful to Ruth Burgess and Nancy Lawrence for designing and implementing the past-presidents five-year pledge to complete our 100th Anniversary R & P Grant. These 17 dedicated women donated in excess of $13,000 in 2016! In alphabetical order:

Lisa Beauchamp
Paula Boghosian
Jean Bonar
Ruth Burgess
Jane Cooley
Nancy Lawrence
Carolyn Martin
Marty McKnew
Patricia Morgan
Marilyn Orrick
Cherril Peabody
Gail Reed
Mary Schneider
Hedda Smithson
Linda Whitney
Mary Williams
Gloria Yost


In addition to these 17 ladies, many more members also donated to Funds in 2016 and we appreciate their support of all Funds programs. In alphabetical order:

Alice Bauer
Susan Bordner
Carol Doughty
Cheryl Fuller
Elizabeth Hendrickson
Marlys Huez
Virginia Kidd
Inger Lindholm
Susan McLearan
Barbara Parker
Joan Rhee
Marianne Rorden
Shirley Sickert
Linda Tinker
Elizabeth Varadan
Shirley Wheeler
Shari Beck
Dorothy Bracchi
Jo Anne Fortson
Charmen Goehring
Donna Holmes
Elizabeth Jordan
Andrea Klinenberg
Catherine Locke
Elaine Moody
Bonnie Penix
Anne Rhodes
Patricia Saltenberger
Laraine Silberstein
Linda Tinsman
Frances Vituili
Patricia Winkle
Rosa Lee Black
Sandra Cavey
Lori Franz
Alice Hammel
Loretta Hom
Anne Just
Margaret Leonard
May Ruth Lynch
Vicki Nicholson
Diane Petersen
Betty Riley
Sandi Schoenman
Karen Smith
Virginia Uchida
Ruth Werner
Sandra Winter


This month we will also be selecting our Named Branch Gift Honorees. We have received some recommendations and are always pleased when we hear of someone we should consider. So many of you do so much and no one person (or two) knows them all. Your input is appreciated. In December we honored our 2015 Honorees at the Holiday Party; here is their photo.

From left to right: Kathy Asay, Hedda Smithson, Gloria Yost & Marilyn Orrick.