Exploring Our Interest Groups: Walk-to-Lunch and Interest Group Updates

Exploring Our Interest Groups:  Walk-to-Lunch

The Walk-to-Lunch Crew

The Walk-to-Lunch Crew

Exercise, congeniality, and eating…what better way to spend a day with like-minded friends!

Walk-to-Lunch members choose a monthly walk destination of approximately three miles in distance and a nearby restaurant for lunch. Group chairwoman Susan Potter prepares the year’s calendar, while the monthly leader emails members with suggestions for carpooling and directions for the specific monthly walks.

The accompanying pictures show one of the lovely sites the group visited this past year. Lodi

Deer observed on the Walk-To-Lunch Group's Last Trip

Deer observed on the Walk-To-Lunch Group’s Last Trip

Lake Park on Turner Road in Lodi is a lovely, small nature preserve with hiking trails, picnic tables, and areas for barbecuing. Because many of the trails are shaded with trees, there are many opportunities to see animals. On our walk in mid-September, we saw a family of deer, a fox, and a variety of birds. The group experienced nature at its finest!

Interest Group Info Updated for New Program Year

The information on Branch interest groups has been revised recently on the branch website so that current group leaders and their contact information are up to date. Each newsletter will publish that information, and it is also available in two places on the AAUW Sacramento website (sacramento-ca.aauw.net): the Activity section of the website and the Calendar. The Calendar will also have extended information about specific activities for the month for groups whose activities change.  To access that information, click on the group name on the meeting date, and a brief description of planned activities will come up.

At the Showcase meeting on September 19, two potential new interest groups were suggested.  One is Mah Jong, playing a Chinese game with decorated tiles, and the other is TED Talks, viewing and discussing perhaps two short videos each meeting on a variety of topics related to STEM subjects. Please contact Cherril Peabody (capeabody@comcast.net; 916-973-0821) if you are interested in participating in either group.