President’s Message

President’s Message By Nancy McCabe

What a great year this has been! Our programs have been excellent, new members have joined, we have a wonderful scholarship recipient, Speech Trek winner and great girls who will be attending Tech Trek next month!

I couldn’t be more proud of our branch and its members. Those of you who have contributed to these efforts should take a bow! Those of you who are reading our Capital Ideas know what all we have accomplished and many of the members who have contributed to our successes.

You might also know that it takes the time and talents of more than a few to accomplish our mission of advancing gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy. This is where all of the membership comes in. We need every one who is able to share in the leadership of our organization. If you didn’t participate this year, how about the coming year? Look at the projects we embrace and contact the current chair or me to help with the year’s programs.

Didn’t your mother say, “Many hands make light work?” It still is true. New members, jump in and you will have all of the help and guidance you need to have a successful year. Members with seniority, you are always more than welcome to participate and get to know other members better. I await hearing from you so we can plan for the upcoming business year.