President’s Message By Nancy McCabe
The start of a new year generally feels like a clean slate for whatever goals one might have. Do you want to start an exercise program, a new way of eating, a new way of organizing your time/bills/social events or your volunteer time? I have no suggestions about the first five, but I do have a suggestion about the last one. You have heard us request help with next year’s programs and presidency. At the Winter Luncheon, a new member volunteered to cochair program, so she needs a partner to help plan and execute the programming. Having a partner makes this position easier as you can share the tasks. As the outgoing president, I can state positively that the position of president is not difficult. The members of the board are responsible and get their parts done. The monthly meeting is on Zoom and our technology coordinator sets it up on the Internet. Any position in the branch gives you opportunities to meet and plan with a really nice group of women! Do choose to get involved in our mission of advancing gender equity locally.