Interest Groups

Interest Group Happenings By Pat Winkle

If you are interested in participating in any of our Interest Groups, please contact the coordinators listed here. If you would like to propose a new Interest Group for our branch, please contact me and I will present your ideas to the board for approval. My contact information, as well as the contacts for each of the Interest Groups, is in your branch directory.

  • Art & Architecture: Friday, March 7, 10 a.m. The group will visit the home and studio of Sacramento artist Tony
    Natsoulas. Contact: Deborah Dunn
  • Great Decisions I: Monday, March 17, 7 p.m. on Zoom. The topic will be “AI and American National Security”. Contact: Cathy Locke
  • Great Decisions II: Thursday, March 13, 7 p.m. on Zoom. Contact: Lynn Blair Wood
  • Great Decisions III: Monday, March 17, 1 p.m. Meets in a member’s home.
    Contact: Margaret McCarthy
  • Healthy Heart Lunch: Friday, March 14, 11:30 a.m. at Twin Lotus Thai at 8345 Folsom Blvd #119. Contact: Jane Cooley
  • Reader’s Theater: Contact: Diane Petersen for updates.
  • Scrabble Just for Fun: Monday, March 31, 1 p.m. in the game room at Eskaton Village Carmichael.  Contact: Vivian Counts
  • Singles Dining Out: Sunday, March 2, 6 p.m. at Riverside Clubhouse 2633 Riverside
    Blvd. Contact: Nancy McCabe