Category Archives: Calendar

Get Your Articles, Branch Programming, and Interest Group Information for Printing Here!

putthis_on_calendar_clip_art_1_Programming Calendar & Updates

Click here to print the latest programming calendar update, including information for Speech Trek, coming up on Feb. 20, 2016.  Their topic this year is “What is gender bias and inequality?  What is its impact on people?  Why should organizations such as AAUW continue to work to change its practice?”

Elaine Mayumi Whitefeather, Executive Director of A Community for Peace, and our November 18  WOW program speaker, was unable to speak due to a sudden and unexpected back problem.  She sent AAUW her regrets and apologies and would like to reschedule her talk at sometime in the future.  No date has been determined.  Thank you to all who attended on November 18.

Note: Here is the IBC Luncheon form if you plan to attend on January 23.

Interest Groups and Birthday Celebrations

  • Click here for your interest groups
  • Click here to find out who is celebrating their birthday this month!

Membership Matters

Click here for updates on branch membership!

Have you checked out our online calendar?

If you haven’t, please click here.  We try to ensure that everything stays up-to-date.  Contact Angela at if you see gaps.


Want to print most of the articles you see here?

Click here to  print the news articles.