Category Archives: Start Smart

Start Smart Workshop at Sac State a Success! by Gloria Yost

The California State University, Sacramento, AAUW Chapter hosted a very successful Start Smart Workshop on salary negotiations on Tuesday, Feb. 27. Held on the Sacramento State campus, the event was open to all students. Sacramento Branch members Lisa Howard and Gloria Yost facilitated the event, using a PowerPoint presentation that coordinated with a student workbook that is an AAUW program

Participants learned how important it is to build self-awareness of personal value and skills, and to conduct research to determine an appropriate target salary range before entering in to a job interview. Perhaps the most beneficial section involved role play negotiating for a job in mock interviews where they had opportunity to practice using the suggested steps and many sample phrases included in the materials.

Kudos to Sac State officers Mollie McDonald, Ruby Pineda, Nicole Touchette, and Billie Veercamp for organizing this very worthwhile workshop.