Monthly Archives: June 2014

Message from Incoming President Cherril Peabody – 6/13/2014

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer. In July we will embark on another AAUW Sacramento year of dynamic and thought-provoking programs, stimulating interest group activities and the wonderful camaraderie that pulls it all together. Our fantastic new board is already gearing up with planning for our fall Showcase, the kickoff for the 2014-15 program year. Save the date: Saturday, September 20, at the Arcade Library.

We hope to offer many programs and activities this year that will pique your interest and encourage your participation. Meanwhile, enjoy the summer and keep cool!

Cherril Peabody
Incoming President

Member Spotlight: Mary Kight

Mary Served as Our Public Policy Director for the 2013-14 Year and Was Honored with other AAUW Sacramento Vets at Our May 22nd WOW Meeting for Her Military Service


Captain Kara Siepmann, retired General Mary Kight and Senior Master Sergeant Sandra Sainz

Captain Kara Siepmann, retired General Mary Kight and Senior Master Sergeant Sandra Sainz


Retired Major General Mary J. Kight has been a member of the AAUW Sacramento branch since 2011.

Mary J. Kight  began her military career when she was commissioned into the United States Air Force in February 1974.  “‘She began her career when only a small percentage of Air Force Officers were female and even smaller percentage of military officers were female. ”

“Her career included several firsts leading her to many interesting and challenging assignments which continued when she joined the National Guard.  In February 2010, General Kight was appointed to command the California National Guard as the 45th Adjutant General.  She became the first female Adjutant General of California’s National Guard and the first African-American woman to hold such a post across the Nation.  General Kight received several major awards and decorations including the Distinguished Service Medal.”

(Quoted directly from her profile on the Shriver Report here.)

Mary has been involved with our Scholarship program and served the past year as our Public Policy director which included the Equal Pay Day program at Sac State, Sponsoring 3rd Annual South Bay Women’s Conference on March 8 in San Jose, where Lilly Ledbetter was a guest speaker, and submitting numerous articles to the Capital Ideas newsletter.

She was also recognized for her many years of military service during our May 22 Women of the World (as were several other branch members) meeting where military women currently serving spoke to the WOW audience.

Mary is in high demand as a speaker and has a wonderful down-to-earth speaking style.  We are very happy to have her as a member of our branch.