Monthly Archives: March 2015

IBC Luncheon the Biggest Ever by Gloria Yost

Nearly 100 AAUW members and guests from seven local branches enjoyed the lovely setting at Plates Café to celebrate AAUW’s national efforts and listen to two Fellowships winners share their stories about their research and lives.

Cathy Knifsend, former fellow and Assistant Professor in psychology at California State University, Sacramento, shared her findings that girls’ participation in extracurricular activities and sports depends a great deal on what their friends are doing, whereas boys will join a team just because they want to play. Her research is ongoing. Cathy also asked about joining our branch and wants to get involved in Speech Trek, Tech Trek, and couples dining out, just for starters.

Jennifer Randles, a current Fellow and assistant professor in sociology at California State University, Fresno, investigates how social and economic inequities affect American families. Jennifer finds Fresno, with its diversity in people and incomes, a perfect laboratory situation.

Various IBC leaders shared current branch activities, and all attendees appreciated the opportunity to learn what other local branches are doing and share fellowship with others. This annual event provides a great opportunity to see up close how our efforts to support AAUW Funds provide real assistance to improve women’s upward mobility.

IBC Guest Speakers Jennifer Randles and Cathy Knifsend

IBC Guest Speakers Jennifer Randles and Cathy Knifsend