President’s Message by Cherril Peabody

Cherril Peabody, AAUW Sacramento President for 2014-15

Cherril Peabody, AAUW Sacramento President for 2014-15

Spring is in the air, and we have several more fun activities to experience before this AAUW program year is over. But before talking about those, I want to thank everyone who participated in our recent musical theater fundraiser, “The Unsinkable Molly Brown.” I don’t yet have the final tally on how much we netted, but thanks to all of you who bought tickets or made contributions at the last minute, we made a profit and had a fun event. I want particularly to thank our Fundraising Committee members who took time away from their project responsibilities to do whatever needed to be done. They are Gloria Yost, Donna Holmes, Marty McKnew, Molly Dugan, Liz Jordan, Shari Beck, Izzy Brookshire, Nancy McCabe, and May Ruth Lynch. Whatever would I have done without you! Thanks are also due to the interest group leaders and others who sold tickets.

Our next branch event is the Authors Luncheon on April 11 at Plates. If you haven’t sent in your reservation form yet and want to attend, go on Eventbrite or call Reservations Chair Dawn Boyd today. The reservation deadline is April 3. You can read more about the program and our guest author, Karen Levy, elsewhere in this newsletter. Our election of AAUW officers will take place at this event, too.

Speaking of elections, both state and national AAUW elections are coming up in the next couple of months. Look for more details in this newsletter.

Our last branch meeting will be the Installation Tea on May 16, and that should be a lovely – and delicious – event. You will learn more about it in next month’s newsletter.