I want to thank the members who were involved in planning and developing the Branch programs this past year. Many more volunteered to be greeters and provide refreshments. I would not have been able to accomplish everything without all of you. I’d like to recognize those of you who took on special roles.
- Anne Rhodes and her helper, Alice Bauer, regularly made sure we had beverages and treats at our events.
- Linda Whitney arranged for greeters to welcome us at every meeting.
- Dawn Boyd handled reservations and nametags during the year.
- Laura Randles-Little organized the AAUW Showcase.
- Donna Holmes arranged for the holiday party entertainment.
- Mary Schneider organized our holiday philanthropy effort with the Oak Park Preschool.
- Liz Jordan, Shari Beck and committee organized the very successful Speech Trek Contest.
- Barbara Smith not only handled all the details for our author’s luncheon, she arranged for Karen Levy to speak.
- Sadie Lawrence organized voter education opportunities in the fall, and Robin Howlett partnered with AAUW Sacramento State to celebrate Equal Pay Day in April.
- Hedda Smithson maintained a database of attendance at Branch events.
- Mary Schneider (decorations), Kathy Papst, Barbara Smith and Anne Rhodes (food and tea) led the hard working group that put on our successful May installation tea.
- Shari Beck very ably handled all last-minute requests for e-blasts to improve attendance.
- Angela Scarlett kept our social media accounts and website up to date to promote attendance.
Other members of the program committee were: Izzy Brookshire, Vivian Counts, Molly Dugan Joan Hammond, Della Knowles, Vicky Lovell, Nancy McCabe, Marty McKnew, Cherril Peabody, Sherry Reser, Gina Schumacher, Linda Tinker and Pat Winkle.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!