Film Fans is one of our most popular interest groups, with more than 50 members on the email list. Though they don’t all attend each get-together, we do have a core group of around 12 who come most of the time. On the third Tuesday of each month, we attend a movie together in the late morning or early afternoon. When the time of the screening permits, we go to lunch afterwards. At the very least, we usually get together for a beverage or dessert after the show so we can discuss the movie and a whole lot of other topics.
The group tends to like independent and foreign films, so we often go to the Tower Theater. I am the facilitator for this group, so on the Friday before our scheduled meeting, I check out the films that will be playing on Tuesday and send an email with film suggestions. I ask everyone who expects to attend to vote for one or two of the films, or suggest another film. I count the votes and let everyone know the final plans.
Lately we’ve seen a couple of the films that have been nominated for Academy Awards, including “La La Land” and “Hidden Figures.” We are definitely film fans, and we enjoy the camaraderie of the group members, too!