Branch Activism Continues during the 1980s By Linda Sparks

During the ’80s our branch was actively involved in various community issues as well as continuing activities we had been doing in the ’70s. Our interest sections helped create member interest is many local issues including health, parenting, education, and finance.

Several new sections were started by involved members during this decade. They included: Education section based on Guilford’s intellectual theory, a Parenting Resources Network, Families Facing Change, Money Talk, Women’s Health, Great Music, Artist Paint Together, Mother’s Support Group, Culture Alliance, and a new Health section.

Our branch membership started at the beginning of this decade with about 800 members. By the end of 1989, the branch was down to about 600 members.

One of our major fundraisers for scholarships had been the Yearly Book Sale. It required many volunteers to organize and process the thousands of books we sold each year. With dwindling volunteers, it was finally ended in the mid-1980s.

Members volunteered to visit City Council meetings, Board of Supervisor meetings and various school board meetings. We reported back to the board, and many members spoke at these meetings representing our branch positions on various items.

“Vanishing Victorians” was a huge success to the community in the ’70s. We were still voting for new printings of the original book in softbound copies as well as hardbound editions of this popular book in the ’80s. The branch also made and sold note cards with drawings by Karen Yee.

In the mid-’80s, the board voted to donate our central files to the History Center for archiving. We also donated $200 to the center. I used our archived materials to write this article. Our stored materials are there for you to use, but you need to make an appointment during their specified times.