Sacramento Branch Inc.-Uniquely Ours

Sacramento Branch Inc. – Uniquely Ours By Donna Holmes

If you want something done, ask a busy woman!  Our branch is especially successful despite any struggles we might have.  We support every single program: Tech Trek, Speech Trek, Start Smart, College/University alliance, Scholarship and NCCWSL, all without giving up a variety of interest and book groups.

As I have said before, our branch is the perfect place to say yes.  The support and friendships I have gained from saying yes have been invaluable, and I cherish them even more since becoming a widow.  So, thanks to our branch’s culture I applied to be an AAUW-California director.  Thought I would be doing Funds, but it came out differently.  Here is the lowdown:

  1. Charmen Goehring, our outgoing Funds director, will be California State President. Charmen has been President-Elect this past year as well as DEI Director at the state level.
  2. Michelle Baer (Joined AAUW June 2021) and Donna Holmes, Co-Directors – Communications. Michelle will be taking over the tech side from Sandi Gabe, managing the State website, etc.  I will be on the creative side – a stretch for me!
  3. Marty McKnew, currently our branch Parliamentarian & Governance Chair, is adding that role for the State.
  4. We also want to recognize Lana Widman for her service as Speech Trek Coordinator for the State through June of this year.

So, out of 11 elected board positions, our branch holds three going forward as well as parliamentarian, which is a non-voting appointed position. Join a State Committee and ‘play’ with us, deadline is May 31, 2024.