President’s Message

President’s Message By Angela Scarlett

I wasn’t sure what I would say in my first president’s message. The impact of COVID-19 on our lives seems surreal.

If you do not know me, please let me introduce myself. I’ve been a member of AAUW Sacramento for approximately 10 years. Gloria Yost recruited me after I started attending the Great Decisions group. I am also a member of the Working Women book group and have held several board positions, including membership and communications director.

I will be in the presidency for two years. My aspiration for my tenure is to look at our organization to see how we can ensure that this 100-years-young institution remains vital and relevant.

Our program directors, Kim Rutledge and Gloria Yost, are working hard on creating engaging programming that we will host digitally over Zoom. We will have our traditional Fall Showcase, and we will be doing our best to resume in-person meetings when it is safe to do so.

Until then, please feel free to contact me at or 916-612-8442. If you would like your interest group to use our branch zoom account, please contact the communications director, Karen Burley, hereĀ for more information.

I hope to see everyone online at our September meeting.

Until then warmest regards,

Angela Scarlett