Tech Trek Update

Tech Trek Summer 2024 By Marlys Huez

It is less than two months until we send our six girls to UC Davis Tech Trek Camp, July 14-20.  We are so proud that our branch has recruited and is able to send them, along with two additional girls to virtual camp.

The eight campers have completed their applications and will be signing up soon for one of the exciting STEM core classes, which will run the week of their camp. They will include anatomy and physiology, astronomy and space, high-energy engineering, storytelling with data and wearable technology — all stimulating subjects.

Our Tech Trek Committee continues to plan an orientation with our campers on June 22 and will make sure everything goes smoothly when they go to camp.  We have been busy making sure all of the paperwork is complete on Camp Doc and they will be ready for camp.

UC Davis welcomes any branch member who would like to visit the camp to do so on Visit Day, Thursday, July 18, from 9 a.m. to noon.  Also, any branch member who would like to volunteer for a day or a few hours during the week of camp may do so by contacting Marlys Huez, Tech Trek branch coordinator, whose contact information can be found in the Membership Directory.