President’s Message

President’s Message By Nancy McCabe

Welcome Back to AAUW after our summer break!

Not a lot continues through the summer except Singles Dining. We have the opportunity to eat outdoors unless it is Sacramento HOT on our scheduled evening for dinner. If you are a single lady and not on my mailing list you are welcome to join us any time — just shoot me an email and I will add you to our roster.

Our program vice presidents have scheduled some wonderful programs for the coming year so be sure you check them out. In September our Tech Trek girls will be showing us some of their experiences from this year’s camps, both resident and online. This is a life-changing week that we provide to six girls at UC Davis and two at their homes online.

We need a member to assume leadership of this program for the coming year so that we will be able to continue to provide five days of STEM learning for these girls. It would be tragic if we were unable to continue this due to lack of leadership. The past coordinators are available to help you get comfortable in this role. It consists of working with a few middle school science teachers to get referrals, interviewing the girls and their parents, and doing the paperwork to get them registered and the fees paid.

Each summer during the week our girls are at camp, our membership is invited to spend a half day touring the program, and AAUW volunteers are always needed to assist with camp tasks, as little as a half day to all week. Please consider giving your time to save this life-changing program.

Also, the proposed 2024-25 Branch Budget will be voted on at the September 14th program meeting. You can review the proposed Budget <here>.