Category Archives: Womens History Month

Membership News

Membership News By  Donna Holmes & Marty McKnew

Ever wonder about the women supported by AAUW National?  Here is a great way to see our history and brighten your day:

Since 1881, AAUW members, fellows and awardees have made pioneering advances in virtually every field. Check out our “Faces of AAUW” online gallery of trailblazing women, which includes Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in 1903; Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to Congress in 1969; current Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor; and so many more. It’s the perfect way to reflect and remember AAUW’s world-changing impact this Women’s History Month!

Annual Renewal

Renewal season is in full swing!

Things to note:  National dues increased by $5 to $72 per year, no change for State ($20) or our Branch ($20), new total is $112 of which $89 is tax deductible.

You may pay online with a credit card by clicking on this link: <Renew> and enter your email and password.

If you paid by check last year, you should have received, by the end of April, a renewal form, return envelope and green sheet showing what is tax deductible.  Please respond quickly and take this opportunity to provide needed updates your directory information.

If you want to print your own here it is: <click here>.

Celebrating May Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Ellen Nathan                                    5/1
  • Patricia Stillwell                               5/1
  • Patricia Morehead                          5/5
  • Stephenie Moczydkowski              5/7
  • Janis Appel                                       5/13
  • Margaret McCarthy                        5/16
  • Elizabeth Mark                                5/17
  • Rosemary Howard                         5/18
  • Pat McCarty                                     5/19
  • Deborah Dunn                                5/22
  • Maria Teresa Hoecker                   5/23
  • Cheryl Fuller                                    5/24
  • Merrie McLaughlin                         5/26
  • Tamara Olson                                 5/28
  • Patty Taylor                                     5/29
  • Margot Leidig                                  5/31

Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month, a Fitting Time to Observe Transgender Day of Visibility

By Melissa Maceyko, Member AAUW California Public Policy Committee

Each year on March 31, the world observes Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) to raise awareness about transgender people. It is a day to celebrate the lives and contributions of trans people, while also drawing attention to the poverty, discrimination and violence the community faces.

We understand how women’s history tells the story of misogyny, which is the systemic mistreatment of women, girls and feminine peoples through forms of physical and structural violence.  But we rarely consider how it is linked to transmisogyny, which focuses on the complex intersections between transphobia and misogyny that are faced by trans women and girls, as well as transfeminine and gender non-conforming peoples. It is a term that attempts to capture multiple layers of gender-based marginalization and systemic mistreatment. If misogyny and transmisogyny are not combatted together, then the root of the problem will never truly be eradicated.

Although the past decade has seen a more vocal public push for diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives around gender, the current sociopolitical climate in the United States is not supportive of, and is often openly hostile to, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Under this sphere of increased hostility is the explicit targeting of trans women and girls and transfeminine peoples with words, actions and legislation. It is particularly important for women’s organizations who seek to combat gender-based forms of oppression to build coalitions and take a stand against misogyny and transmisogyny in all its forms, because misogyny and transmisogyny come from the same place. They both describe gender-based oppression that results from the prioritization of masculinity alongside the degradation of femininity.

Targeted hostility against trans women and girls and transfeminine peoples can be seen not only in the alarming uptick in physical violence against this community, but also in the increasing persistence and intensity of public debates over whether or not trans women and girls and transfeminine peoples are “real women” that belong in “women’s spaces,” including gender-specific bathrooms, women’s sports teams and locker rooms. These debates prioritize misplaced and misunderstood claims of biological authenticity. They are dehumanizing and cannot be disconnected from other forms of violence as they normalize widespread and explicit marginalization and exclusion.

As a women’s organization, the increasingly hostile environment for trans women and girls and transfeminine people should be at the forefront of our collective education and activism — let’s help ensure that history doesn’t continue to repeat itself.   Visit the Public Policy website to learn more.