Sacramento 100th Anniversary Fund Update by Marty McKnew & Donna Holmes

Thermometer 34 Percent

 Great news! We are making phenomenal progress on our 100th Anniversary Grant.

To celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2020, the branch started a research and progress grant. The grant requires donations of $75,000 in a 10-year span before grants can be awarded with the earnings. We requested that the grants be used for community action projects, which are awarded annually to AAUW members submitting the best proposals. One project that started this way was Tech Trek, which has been so successful it has now gone nationwide.

Since starting the grant just two years ago, we have amassed $25,413, or 34 percent of our goal. This includes $15,653 from our branch members and fundraisers, and $9,860 from other branches. Many thanks go to the members of the following branches: Turlock, Redlands, Citrus-Heights-American River, and especially Nevada County, which donated their entire fundraising effort of $4,900. If you are a member of another branch, or have connections to other branches, please ask them to consider the Sacramento 100th Anniversary grant #4372 when they send in their donations at the end of the year.