Showcase 2016 Recap by Cherril Peabody

Speaker Reva Wittenberg

Speaker Reva Wittenberg

Our branch outreach programs were in the spotlight at this year’s AAUW Sacramento branch Showcase on Saturday, Sept. 17 at the Arden-Dimick Library. Interest group sign-ups were also available.

Donna Holmes updated us on our 100th Anniversary Grant. We are doing very well in reaching our goal of $75,000. Thus far we have raised $52,000, or 70% in four years


Linda Whitney with Speech Trek members Ann Arneill & Liz Jordan

Linda Whitney with Speech Trek members Ann Arneill & Liz Jordan

Liz Jordan, who co-chairs Speech Trek, spoke about how their committee works with high school. Gloria Yost and Linda Whitney shared about upcoming participation with Schools Credit Union in their Bite of Reality program with high school seniors. This is a program where students are given a scenario of their family structure and income and they have to purchase the necessities of life from us at different stations. It is a lot of fun, and the participants learn that life is not cheap! Consider volunteering when we have specific dates and places. You won’t regret it!

Gloria Yost & Linda Whitney

Gloria Yost & Linda Whitney

Their committee is also presenting a program for all adults about what information is needed if you are incapacitated or deceased and someone has to make decisions on what you leave behind. Who will shut down all of your Internet activities? Where is the gas outlet in the house? Did I promise the car to my granddaughter or her brother? See you there on Feb. 4.

Jo Reiken updated us on Tech Trek and Public Policy. Tech Trek is a wonderful STEM camp at UC Davis where we send six 13-year-old girls to learn their potential in the science fields and open their eyes to the possibility of attending college. Public policy is putting into action the very reasons that AAUW was founded — to advocate for women and girls. Please read their articles in each Capitol Ideas newsletter.

Nancy McCabe, Pat Winkle & Shirley Walker

Nancy McCabe, Pat Winkle & Shirley Walker

Shirley Wheeler and Pat Winkle updated us on membership. They spoke to the advantages of joining at a branch meeting as a new member saves half of the national dues for the year she joins. Offer to host a few new members in your home to get acquainted with them. That is easy, fun, and a way to make new friends.

Our speaker, Reva Wittenberg, the associate director of campus wellness at California State University, Sacramento, spoke on what CSUS is doing to prevent and deal with campus sexual assault. The topic was timely, and her presentation was informative.

If you missed the showcase, you missed an opportunity.