Please join us in welcoming the following new members to the Sacramento Branch of AAUW:
ASHLEY GILREATH has been a member of AAUW before joining our Branch. She received her BA in Environmental Studies and Economics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and her Master in Environmental Science and Management from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Ashley lives in Carmichael and works full time as a Program Manager- Conservation.
BERNARDETE NUNES was referred by Deborah Dunn. She received her BA in International Relations from the University of California, Davis. Bernardete lives in Elk Grove and is interested in joining Art and Architecture.
TAMARA OLSON received her BA in Sociology from the University of Minnesota. She is a retired Account Executive at G.E. Capital and lives in Sacramento. Tamara is interested in a number of our interest groups.
KAREN ZUMWALT received her BA and her MS in Health Education form California State University, Sacramento. She is a retired School Administrator and lives in Sacramento. Karen is interested in a number of our interest groups.
MERRIE McLAUGHLIN received her BA degree in English Literature from Swarthmore. She is a former AAUW member. Merrie is a retired payroll tech and lives in Sacramento. She was referred by Gloria Sears.
MARY ROSE M. REPINE received her BA and Master degrees in Industrial Psychology from California State University, Sacramento. Mary Rose also received her Ph.D. in Business from Trident University International. She is a retired Executive Director of Hospital Building Safety and a former member of AAUW.
KATHERINE (Kit) ROEMMELE received her BA in Psychology/Sociology from Whittier College. She received her Master of Education from Whittier College and University of California, Los Angeles. Kit was a former AAUW member in Fullerton. She is a retired teacher and Vice Principal. Kit lives in Sacramento and received information about our branch from the Internet.