Our Showcase was a great kick-off to our branch year! Thank you so much to Cherril Peabody for taking charge of this program and doing an outstanding job. Thanks also go to the best supporting team: Gloria Yost, Barbara Smith, Sharon Norris, Nancy McCabe and Liz Jordan, plus my husband, Wyndel.
This year’s program proved to be another tour du force with 78 people in attendance. Jo Reiken and Morgan Glover brought in our Tech Trek girls with their families to share their experiences for the first time in several years. Tech Trek is one of the most beloved things our branch does, and the Showcase presentation was just what our membership wants.
Three of our four scholarship winners were also present with family members and spoke of their dreams and goals and showed gratitude for what we have given them. Thank you to Susana
Mullen and Anna Storey for making this happen, with extra thanks to Susana for her presentation.
Kathy Asay, our new Funds Director, arranged for a former Fellow to speak on how getting an AAUW Fellowship changed her life. The fellow, Marjorie Wade, is a current branch member.
We’re looking forward to two upcoming events in October: Equal Means Equal presentations at American River College on Oct. 10 with the CHAR branch and Take Back the Night on Oct. 14. Hope to see many of you there!