Presidents’ Message by Donna Holmes and Liz Jordan

Donna’s Farewell

Donna Holmes

As my two years of being your co-president come to an end, I want you all to know what an honor and pleasure it has been. When I came on the board 10 years ago as your finance officer, it was a challenge and out of my comfort zone. I never thought I would be president. What I should have remembered is we are a group of volunteers, college-educated women who belong to AAUW for the Mission. We help and support each other. So, thank you for everything: guiding me on proper board procedures, Robert’s Rules of Orders, keeping me on track, forgiving my errors and all the new and wonderful friends I’ve collected in the process. Special thanks to my co-presidents, Marty McKnew and Liz Jordan, our finance officer May Ruth Lynch, fabulous board members and, from behind the scenes, Gloria Yost and Molly Dugan.

Think you could never do it? Well, you can. Jump in, the water is fine!

Updates from Liz

Liz Jordan

On Saturday, March 30, members gathered at the Center for Sacramento History on Sequoia Pacific Boulevard to hear about the archives that are curated there on behalf of all of us who live in Sacramento County. AAUW Sacramento has been donating our records and memorabilia to this center since its inception. One of the largest donations to the Center came from Eleanor McClatchy.

We started the program with a delightful look back at the Sacramento AAUW choir called the Musettes. Jean Brown, who sang with the choir, brought programs from the AAUW California 50th Anniversary celebration in which the choir sang as well as other memorabilia to share. Several members attending remembered singing with the group.

We heard from archivist Kim Hayden about the archives. Kim displayed AAUW Sacramento President’s books, scrapbooks, puppets, a copy of “Vanishing Victorians,” and with many other items from our members. Kim led us on a tour of the archives where we saw a variety of artifacts such as old train station signs, farm equipment, baby carriages, hats and an Eleanor McClatchy donated map dating back to the 15th Century! Additionally, we enjoyed hearing many stories from members about book groups and branch meetings.

  • Don’t forget to vote in the national AAUW election. “Online voting …will close on May 14 at 3 p.m. Pacific time. You can find more information about the candidates for the AAUW Board of Directorsand the 2019–2021 Public Policy Priorities on the AAUW website.
  • From AAUW CA: Our state AAUW has refreshed the Financial Literacy portion of the website. Money Trek, the first financial literacy project (2008) has an updated outline of a curriculum to teach high school and college students basic personal finances. Start Smart are workshops designed for college students entering the job market and how to negotiate for salary. Work Smart teaches working women how to confidently evaluate, negotiate and articulate their worth on the job market. We have a Branch goal to get 20 members through Work Smart this year!