Board Briefs May Board Meeting, May 6, 2019 by Cherril Peabody

Here are the highlights of the May AAUW Sacramento Board Meeting:

  • Co-President D. Holmes reported that the AAUW Sacramento branch is on the list of the 130 largest branches in the United States, and we are the fourth largest branch in California.
  • Membership Treasurer S. Anderson reported that the new National AAUW online dues payment program is user-friendly, but it can’t be used to make donations to branch programs: Tech Trek, Scholarships and Speech Trek. Members must send donations to those programs to AAUW Sacramento directly.
  • Scholarship Co-Director A. Storey reported that the Scholarship program has been receiving many donations toward one or more named scholarships in memory of Ruth Burgess, who passed away last fall.
  • Funds Co-Director K. Asay reported that the branch 100th Anniversary Research and Projects Grant Fund that was completed last fall is expected to be distributing its first grant soon.
  • College/University Liaison G. Yost reported that campus liaisons will be marketing the opportunities available through the AAUW affiliates on several Sacramento County campuses in order to attract more members for those affiliates. The branch is sponsoring two young women students attending the NCCWSL leadership conference this summer.
  • 100th Anniversary Celebration Chair G. Yost announced that there is a lot of interest in participating in the singing group that is being formed to perform at the 100th Anniversary celebration, and writers are also being sought to put together a skit for the event. Member Joan Hammond drew some sketches for the event logo, and the committee has selected one that will be featured in the activities and in the anniversary publication.
  • Program Co-Director D. Dunn reported that the Author’s Luncheon featuring journalist and playwright Ginger Rutland was very successful, and Ms. Rutland’s presentation received many positive comments. Co-Director C. Locke announced that plans for an end-of-year potluck are on hold pending finding a place to have the event.

New Business

            The Board has accepted a challenge from National AAUW to get 800 people certified in the Work Smart course by August. National AAUW will receive $500,000 if they and the branches can get 100,000 women certified. This free program is an online short course in how to negotiate salaries and raises. Here is the link you should use to access the course so that AAUW Sacramento gets credit.  Please send to all your friends and family.