WE HAVE A PLAN – LET’S GROW! By Donna Holmes

Hey there. Our awesome committee is excited to take on this challenge of growing AAUW California.  Every needs assessment analyzing our declining membership numbers always uses fancy consultant language. Yet, my cartoon friend Maxine sums it up best. “We’re old. We’re burned out. We’re unknown.” (Her coffee cup reads, “I love my attitude problem!”)

What would happen if we changed that mindset? What if we radiated energy that says, “Come join us.  Be part of something bigger that can change the lives of women and girls!” Our new mindset dances to this tune!

We are vibrant and smart. We are action people.  We are AMBASSADORS.

What IF (and that is a big IF…) all of us would just invite one person to join AAUW – a friend, neighbor, relative, co-worker – that number would be – let me see “9,167 X 2 = 18,334” What!?! If each one would bring one … whoa, Nelly!  That’s growth! (Don’t worry, our goals are a little more modest than that. Six percent for next year, but it is so fun to dream!)

The above article is from the State board, and Marty and I heartily concur.  Our branch has done an excellent job of membership retention. We went into 2021-22 with 191 members and currently are going into 2022-23 with 185 members.  Retaining 90% of membership is part of 5-star recognition.  Five members moved away, four members have passed away and we have a few not renewing.  We also have new members — the latest is Christine Osterman, who joined at our Sept. 17 branch meeting.  Our formal count will be taken on Sept. 30.  Stay tuned for a new members gathering when Marty returns from her travels!