Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Donors

Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Donors By Ann Arneill

The Speech Trek Contest season is drawing to a close.  At the May 20, 2023 Branch Meeting our First Prize winner, Lauren Secreto, delivered her speech on the topic:  “How can communities, organizations and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights?”

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many Branch members who contributed to Speech Trek in 2022.  We appreciate our long-standing contributors and welcome the many new contributors this year.  Because of your generosity, we can award $1,075 in cash prizes to our winners each year.  Donors include Sharon Anderson, Ann Arneill, Kathleen Asay, Alice G. Bauer, Shari Beck, RosaLee, Black Jean Bonar, Margaret Brown, Karen Burley, Kathleen Deaver, Deborah Dunn, Lori Franz, Cheryl Fuller, Joan Hammond, Elizabeth Jordan, Catherine Locke, Elaine Moody, Susana Mullen, Bonnie Penix, Diane Petersen, Ann Rhodes, Georgia Richardson, Elizabeth Rose, Sandi Schoenman, Kathryn Schrumpf, Hedda Smithson, Diana Squire, Shirley Wheeler, Linda Whitney, Patricia Winkle, and Gloria Yost.