President’s Message

President’s Message By Nancy McCabe

Last month we talked about women who have given a significant amount of time to maintaining the presidency of our branch. This month we need to talk about what help is needed to keep the branch running.

When you get involved, besides knowing that you are a part of the leadership team, you will get to know other active members who just could become your great friends. Look at our current vacancies and see where you fit in!

Lisa Howard, the chair of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, needs help putting together the March meeting, which will use the AAUW implicit bias tool kit.

Charmen Goehring would like members to become familiar with the California School Board Project, which is a part of our Public Policy committee. The San Juan school board was just flipped to extremists so we need to monitor what and where this is happening. We also need a public policy chair to report on bills before the state government that our state lobbyist is following. You would also attend an alternate-month Zoom meeting and write articles for this newsletter informing us of issues we might want to follow.

If you are interested in helping high school girls plan for a career in government, we could use help in contacting schools to recruit girls. We have a state Gov Trek representative in our branch who could show how this is done. Contact Kathy Papst for any of these areas of focus.

The Speech Trek committee needs another member or two to shadow Ann and Shari as they conduct their November informational speech contest workshops (about one hour each) so that you can learn to conduct some of these meetings yourselves. You would need to be available a few weekdays by mid to late November. Where are our former English and/or speech teachers? Contact Kathleen Deaver if you would like to get involved.

Karen Burley could use some help getting the newsletter out and can show someone the ropes. Some comfort level with technology/computer applications such as Microsoft Word is needed.

It takes a lot of hands to accomplish our goals, and we would like to have your time and talents to help accomplish our goal of advancing gender equity for women and girls! Be in touch! All of the contact people are in the directory.