Membership Happenings By Gloria Yost and Vicky Lovell
Strengthening our AAUW Sacramento connections and friendships
April is here! The time to enjoy our longer days before the summer heat and get ready for the school parties, graduations, and holidays ahead. It’s also the time for most of us to renew our AAUW memberships. Let’s shoot for the stars with a 100 percent renewal rate!!!
Vicky, Donna and Gloria are here to help, so reach out if needed.
Meet our New AAUW Sacramento Member!
Our newest member is Valerie Connors. If you meet her at an event or a book group or interest group, let her know what you enjoy and appreciate most about our Branch — after telling them how glad you are they joined.
Winner of our “bring in a new member drawing” in March: Cherril Peabody
Congratulations Cherril!
We think it might be time for a reminder about how we coordinate membership tasks.
– Vicky coordinates outreach to new and continuing members.
– Gloria manages prospective/new member recruitment activities.
All of you, branch members, are a part of our committee in that it takes the efforts of all of us as a community to build and maintain a vibrant organization where everyone wants to be involved.
Celebrating April Birthdays!
Happy Birthday to All! 
- Jeanne P Garcia 4/1
- Anne Rhodes 4/1
- Tom Smithson 4/1
- Carol Nyman 4/3
- RosaLee Black 4/7
- Theresa Chekon 4/9
- Sandi Schoenman 4/10
- Sandra Young 4/11
- Ann Pickens 4/17
- Pamela Saltenberger 4/17
- Janelle Kauffman 4/19
- Carol Doughty 4/22
- Loretta Hom 4/25
- Margaret Brown 4/27