A Gala Wrap Party

Lights, Camera, Action!!

“The Rights Stuff” Episode Nine – May 18, 2024

A Gala Wrap Party, By Hedda Smithson

Take a look at our web page: AAUW Sacramento to see the summary of our program year. We have been busy! And we deserved to celebrate!

At the lovely Unitarian Universalist Church on Sierra Boulevard, we gathered to honor and celebrate those who make AAUW Sacramento special and successful.

Missing in action was our president, Nancy McCabe, who was dealing with a new body part. Barbara Smith, program vice president, stepped up to the plate and led us through the morning’s activities. There was no red carpet but the spotlight was focused on new and current 50-year members, our Speech Trek winner and her speech, our local scholarship winner and her expression of gratitude for our support, and a whole cast of players who shared their time and talent for this membership year.

Stepping into place for a photo op were:

  • Liz Jordan and Angela Scarlett, Named Gift Honorees
  • Cathy Locke, Kathy Papst, Jessica Waugh, Shape the Future Honorees
  • Alyssa Wong, Speech Trek Winner
  • Erin Gottis, Scholarship Winner
  • Cherril Peabody, New Member Recruitment
  • Jessica Waugh and Robin Howlett, two of 23 new members

Our two new 50-Year Members, Vicki Nicholson and Sandra Young, were away attending family graduations. Congratulations to them!!

And it is renewal time!! Membership Treasurer Donna Holmes graciously answered questions about the process. For many of us the membership year runs from July 1 to June 30. For new members, the membership year depends on when they join. Renewal forms have been mailed and an email went to all about renewing online. Any questions? Ask Donna. Her contact information is in the directory.

A side note: Two air pots full of coffee arrived without spilling to the meeting. A big thank you goes to Kathy Papst for our morning treats. More than 30 of us enjoyed time together discussing ideas about the branch and its future, as well as volunteering where needed.


  • Renew your membership
  • Save Sept. 14 at Arden Dimick Library for our Fall Kick Off
  • Save Oct. 19 for Ballot Initiative Discussion
  • See the Directory for Named Gift Honorees of the past
  • Look up Shape the Future, an AAUW National Program
  • Be a participant, not a spectator – offer your help with Tech Trek, Gov Trek, Public Policy, Scholarship, Capital Ideas, Program, Membership. This is YOUR Branch!! Let’s have another successful year!!

    Shape the Future Honorees

    Named Gift Honorees

    50 year members in attendance

    Speech Trek winner