AAUW Sacramento Has a New Look!

AAUW Sacramento Has a New Look! By Hedda Smithson

Take a look at your current membership directory. Find a page called Board of Directors. We are slimmer, sleeker, and very nimble!! Instead of six elected and eight appointed positions, we now have four elected officers and five appointed directors. If you still have your 2022-2023 directory (bright pink cover), you might compare it to the 2023-2024 membership directory (lime green cover.) The board meets on Zoom so keeping track of nine or ten faces is easier than fourteen.

Our policies tell us that the terms for President and Program Vice President are two years; Secretary and Finance Director terms are the same but staggered so there are always board members with institutional memory to move the branch forward. The directors are appointed for one- year terms and may serve a second year if desired. The focus areas are Membership Support, Membership Development, Local Projects, AAUW Priorities, and Communications. We will be looking for members to step up to take on the President and Program VP roles for the 2025-2026 AAUW year, so please consider it.

Still have questions? Contact anyone on the Board! We are always looking for new faces and fresh ideas! Thanks!