September Program

HERE Sacramento Branch of AAUW Presents

“The Rights Stuff”, Season Two, Episode One

The right to explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Lights, Camera, Action!!

Saturday, Sept. 14 10:30 AM at Arcade Library, 2443 Marconi Ave., Sacramento

September Program presented by Hedda Smithson and Barbara Smith. We focus our camera on one of the most important programs offered through AAUW CA, Tech Trek. Please register for this meeting no later than Sept. 11 with Eventbrite by clicking HERE. Remember to wear a name tag but know that if you forget or don’t have one, a name tag will be provided. We want to get to know you!! Click <here> to obtain the wonderful flyer created by Liz Jordan containing a QR code for easy access to our website which you can print and post and distribute.

Marlys Huez’s Tech Trek committee included Kathleen Deaver, Lori Franz, Joyce Humphrey, Mary Miller, Monique Stovall and Gloria Yost. Generous donations from branch members funded six seventh-grade girls for the Tech Trek camp at UC Davis; two others attended virtually. Teachers from W.E. Mitchell Middle School in Rancho Cordova and Will C. Wood in Sacramento nominated students to be considered by the Tech Trek committee. Each student completed a written application, submitted an essay and was interviewed as a part of the selection process. The committee held an orientation meeting in June where Tech Trek bears and goody bags for camp were given and the campers were able to meet one another. The camp was held July 14 to 20. Branch members could visit on July 18 for an intense day of following the very busy schedule.

Last month the committee, with the addition of Ann Arneill and Shari Beck, coordinators of Speech Trek, met with the students to help them with presentations each will make on Sept. 14.

This amazing and life-changing program was the brainchild of AAUW member Marie Wolbach. The first Tech Trek was held at Stanford in 1998. Our branch immediately participated by sending one girl. Since that time, Sacramento has supported campers nearly every year.

Lights and Camera have done their job. Now it is time for Action!

  • Register for this event! Click HERE
  • Bring a neighbor, friend or relative. The event is open to the public.
  • Meet the campers and ask them questions.
  • Volunteer to help with next year’s group.
  • Vote to approve our budget.
  • Donate to Tech Trek – this year the cost was $1,170 per girl.