Board Briefs March Board Meeting, April 1, 2019 by Cherril Peabody

Here are the highlights of the April AAUW Sacramento Board Meeting:


  • Co-President L. Jordan reported that the Paycheck Fairness bill passed the House of Representatives.
  • Membership Co-Director L. Patterson announced that the next new member orientation is Saturday, April 13 at Ettore’s. Membership Treasurer S. Anderson reported that the branch now has 227 members. Co-President and acting Finance Director D. Holmes is working on a way to implement the new mandated National AAUW dues collection system so that it will be user-friendly for our membership.
  • Scholarship Co-Director A. Storey reported that the Scholarship Committee met on March 23 and selected five women who will receive $2,000 scholarships for 2019-20, including four current recipients.
  • Funds Co-Director K. Asay is working with the Membership directors to explain changes in AAUW National’s Funds for this year’s renewal application so that members who wish to donate to Funds will know which ones they want to support.
  • College/University Liaison G. Yost reported via email that student leaders from Sac State, UC Davis and ARC met with the presidents of the CHAR and Davis branches and AAUW branch College/University liaisons for a brunch on March 10. The goal of the meeting was to begin building a coalition among the campus affiliates to help promote AAUW on the campuses.
  • Tech Trek Co-Director J. Reiken announced that the Tech Trek Committee met on March 23 with Tech Trek applicants for the summer math and science camp at UC Davis, and they selected six young women to attend the camp this year. Reiken also told the Board that the program has received grant funding for two camp scholarships from the Rotary Club.
  • Program Co-Director C. Locke reported that the March 30 Branch program at the Sacramento History Center went well. Co-Director D. Dunn gave details of the upcoming Author’s Luncheon featuring journalist and playwright Ginger Rutland.
  • Speech Trek Co-Director A. Arneill announced that Esther Joy Turay, who won first place in our Speech Trek contest on Feb. 16, was not selected by State AAUW to participate in the State finals. Esther will give her speech at the May 18 installation meeting. The Tech Trek Committee has decided to purchase its own camcorder for use in future contests. They have been renting equipment, and it has not always been satisfactory.