Membership Update

Membership Update by Gloria Yost

Help a Prospective Member Save Money With Shape the Future

What is Shape the Future?

  • A National membership campaign that branches can use to recruit and retain members
  • Branches earn up to three free national memberships when enough new members join

How does it work?

  • Branches can offer 50 percent off national dues when prospective members join AAUW at an event or meeting
  • New members save $36

Who Is Eligible for the Membership discount?

  • A “new member” — someone entirely new to AAUW
  • An individual who rejoins after two or more years of lapsed membership

What can I do?

  • Spread the word about the great work AAUW does
  • Let folks know about our stimulating events and friendship opportunities
  • Invite my neighbors, new acquaintances, fellow workers or volunteers & more

AAUW membership is open to anyone with an associate (or equivalent, e.g., RN) degree or higher from an accredited educational institution.

Bring your prospective members to join us on Saturday, Sept. 14.. Hear from our middle school Tech Trekkers to celebrate:  “The Rights Stuff”, Season Two, Episode One: The right to explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Celebrating August Birthdays! 

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Jennifer Krebsbach                            8/5
  • Linda Patterson                                 8/5
  • Marlys Fredrickson Huez                 8/6
  • Pamela Harder                                  8/8
  • Nancy McCabe                                  8/14
  • May Ruth Lynch                                8/22
  • Barbara Smith                                   8/25
  • Vicki Nicholson                                  8/28
  • Catherine Locke                                8/31

Celebrating September Birthdays! 

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathleen Keers                                  9/3
  • Anne Just                                            9/6
  • Susan J. Cox                                       9/9
  • Rebekah Machado de Quevedo     9/9
  • Gail Field                                            9/10
  • Jeanette Finn                                     9/10
  • Cathy Sallas                                       9/11
  • Barbara Kamilos                               9/12
  • Pamella Vaughn                                9/15
  • Malinda Rice                                      9/20
  • Hedda Smithson                               9/20
  • Cherril Peabody                                9/22
  • Patricia Poyner                                 9/23
  • Elinor Anklin                                      9/26
  • Kathryn Brann                                  9/26
  • Karen Humphrey                              9/27
  • Joy Clous                                            9/28