Lights! Camera! Action!
Equal Rights for All By Lisa Howard
Saturday, March 15, 2025
10:30 AM – 1:00 PM at Roberts Family Development Center
766 Darina Avenue, Sacramento
AAUW members have long raised awareness through their impactful initiatives, programs and research. We recognize the need to attract and retain members, and to celebrate the diversity that all individuals bring.
At a national level, AAUW is prioritizing the skills we need to hone to be able to have the bold and challenging conversations that we are likely to encounter as we work our way out of the divisive conditions in which we find ourselves. National AAUW will host a webinar on “Bold Conversations” Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 4 p.m. PST to review key skills like active listening so critical to engaging in difficult topics. Click <here> to register for the webinar.
To further prepare our members, Lisa Howard and Jessica Waugh will use the AAUW best practice toolkit materials discussing diversity, equity and inclusion and will lead the group in exploring how our unconscious bias informs how we are perceived when we engage with people with different life experiences from our own.
We will gather for this panel discussion at the Roberts Family Development Center in Del Paso on Saturday, March 15 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. RFDC is located at 766 Darina Ave., Sacramento. At the meeting we will take participants through the AAUW DEI Toolkit to explore the terminology for greater understanding.
Hope to see you there!
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Corner
As an organization, AAUW strives to remove barriers for women. As educated white women of means, much of the AAUW membership has lived through a hopeful and dynamic phase of history. With such a noble mission, it is easy to assume that all women had the same experiences that we have, which is not true.
Women of color within our generations experienced the shared history quite differently. Young women today face less economic stability and often less reproductive freedom than most of our current membership. In support of attracting members to the mission, diversity is first about taking steps to understand the context that people may bring. For 2025, I will be sharing a recommended reading each month that can be used to guide a learning journey for those interested in exploring our diversity.
The first recommended book is The Sum of Us – What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGee. One of today’s most insightful and influential thinkers offers a powerful exploration of inequality and the lesson that generations of Americans have failed to learn: Racism has a cost for everyone — not just for people of color. The book is available standard, adapted for Young Readers, audio and even as a podcast.
In preparation for Black History Month in February, we’ve included a month of challenges for members to consider as recognition for the month. Click <here> for the Challenge Sheet. Bring your sheet with you to the March meeting where we’ll award a prize for the most items completed.