
AAUW Sacramento Branch Leadership By Hedda Smithson

AAUW Sacramento-Organized February 1920

Look at our 105th year!! Marvel at the improvements we’ve made over the years. A sleeker, well designed framework that takes advantage of technology and communication has emerged.

  • 9-member Board of Directors
  • 10 Board of Directors’ meetings on Zoom – rarely last more than 90 minutes
  • 2 positions will be elected this year for the 2025-26 membership year: President and Program Vice President
  • 2 positions continue: Finance Director and Secretary
  • 5 positions will be appointed for one-year terms. (See page 8 of the directory)
  • 4 branch meetings required by our governing documents,

And how (you are thinking to yourself) can I help? We thought you would never ask!!

  1. Put on your thinking cap – what topics or issues would you like to have addressed at a branch meeting?
  2. What interesting meeting places would you like us to consider?
  3. Reread the article in the January issue of Capital Ideas for more details.
  4. Think about how you would like to become more involved in your branch.
  5. Then call, text, or email Nancy, Hedda or Barbara. (Pages 9, 24, 25 of directory.)

Side note: We have a standing reservation at the North Ridge Country Club for the second Saturday in December for our Holiday/Winter Luncheon.  Members of the Citrus Heights/American River Branch of AAUW will be joining us for the 2025-26 membership year. The majority of their members live in Citrus Heights, Carmichael and Fair Oaks.