“Join the 95th Anniversary Celebration Tea” by Gloria Yost

Saturday, May 16, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Rancho Cordova City Hall,
2729 Prospect Park Drive
Rancho Cordova, 95670

tea partyWe are celebrating AAUW Sacramento’s 95th Anniversary with an afternoon tea that program committee members have been very busy planning. Members are encouraged to bring a teacup and saucer, especially one that may have a family story connected to it. (There will be teacups and saucers available for everyone else.)

Ciera Miller, our Speech Trek winner, will give her prize-winning speech, our past presidents and 50-year members will be recognized, and Named Gift Honorees will be presented after our networking time. In addition, we will install incoming President Nancy McCabe and our 2015-16 officers and show our support for their efforts this coming year.

This event is open to the public, so bring friends and family. Any proceeds above expenses will go to our 100th Anniversary Sacramento Branch Research and Projects Grant.

You should have received a special invitation and reservations form in the mail. Contact Gloria Yost, (916) 961-3306, or gloriayost@aol.com if you have any questions or concerns.

If you would like to pay for the tea online, please  click the orange button below


Eventbrite - AAUW Sacramento’s 95th Anniversary Tea & Installation