AAUW and Public Policy by Inger Lindholm

What Public Policy Is (and means to AAUW Members)

What Public Policy Is (and means to AAUW Members)


A definition states policy is “a set of ideas or a plan for action followed by a business, a government, a political party or a group of people.”


A definition states organization is “a group whose members work together for a shared purpose in a continuing way.”

Or as stated simply by AAUW, It is who we are and what we do. In other words, policy not only identifies us as a group with a plan, but it identifies the action.

This year I invite members to be aware of the opportunities for action not only in AAUW, but in your community as well. This can be overwhelming, so I encourage you to attach yourself to one or two and follow it. As the Policy committee leader, I will be discussing one issue at a time in a concise way, and perhaps you will be attracted to following up on your own. I will do this through our newsletter and at meetings. Two interested members, Nancy Shipman and Jessica Arauza, will be coming on board with me. Thanks for being a part of AAUW.

Your Public Policy Director,

Inger Lindholm