Board Briefs and Speech Trek Save the Date by Liz Jordan and Shari Beck

Here are the highlights of the October 1 AAUW Sacramento Branch Board meeting:

  • Tech Trek Director J. Reiken introduced Tech Trek Door Mom Ebony Benzing, who has joined the Tech Trek Committee and is working on recruiting girls from a new school to increase diversity among the applicants.
  • Program Co-Director D. Dunn gave a recap of the Showcase meeting and updated the board on plans for upcoming meetings, including the October Ballot Measure Forum and Take Back the Night rally and march, both on Oct. 13. The Nov. 15 branch meeting will be a post-election presentation by Mindy Romero, founder and director of the California Civic Engagement Project, who will talk about recent research about the effects of the new voting process on voter turnout and how citizens can ensure voting rights and accountability in California and nationwide.
  • Scholarship Co-Director A. Storey reported that the committee met and agreed to give four scholarships for the 2019-20 academic year, three unrestricted and one art scholarship funded by a branch member. A subcommittee has been set up to develop some written policies regarding memorial gifts.
  • Goehring introduced a proposal to have the branch act as the temporary fiscal agent for the ad hoc community group that is working to establish a county commission on the status of women. The proposal was not approved because of anticipated complications concerning the branch tax filings, but members suggested other possible options to take back to the group.

Speech Trek – Save the Date!

  • When:  Feb. 16
  • Where:  Cosumnes River College Room—Winn 150 Entrance on Bruceville Road
  • Topic:  How can we—students, parents, faculty, our communities, and organizations—eliminate violence aimed at our schools?  What actions can we take to prevent another tragedy from taking place?