Board Briefs November Board Meeting, November 5, 2018 By Cherril Peabody

Here are the highlights of the November AAUW Sacramento Board meeting:

  • Co-President D. Holmes reported that AAUW California has given recognition to the October ballot initiatives program presented by McGeorge School of Law faculty and students that was co-sponsored by AAUW Sacramento and AAUW CHAR (Citrus Heights/American River).
  • Co-President L. Jordan reported that she and A. Scarlett attended the Nonprofit Board Certification workshop presented by the Interbranch Council. The presenters talked about state and federal laws that AAUW branches must follow. Two important needs for board action are a written harassment policy and a system for tracking volunteer hours.
  • Peabody announced that S. Anderson will be the new book group coordinator.
  • Tech Trek Co-Director A. Gilreath said that the committee has been researching how other AAUW branches evaluate their programs.
  • Program Co-Directors D. Dunn and C. Locke reported that the October meeting was very successful with more than 100 people attending, and the November meeting featuring Mindy Romero from the California Civic Engagement Project is slated for Nov. 15. Registration for the November meeting and the Holiday Luncheon are available on the website.
  • The Membership Committee hosted a new member tea at Ettore’s in October and plans to sponsor another new member event in the spring. A new Dues Assistance form has been posted on the branch website for the benefit of members who might need a one-time emergency assistance grant to help in paying their dues.
  • A new project sponsored by the Interbranch Council has been proposed to the board that would assist girls living in poverty in other countries with kits containing personal hygiene products that would enable them to attend school during their monthly menstruation periods, which they cannot currently do. This proposed project will be investigated for further action.