May 30 Branch Meeting Goes Virtual by Liz Jordan

Due to the ongoing pandemic and the difficulty in allowing groups of people to gather, AAUW Sacramento has decided to move the last meeting of the year to a Zoom meeting.  The Board of Directors has used the Zoom application twice for the April 6 meeting and the May 4 meeting.  The AAUW CA Annual meeting was also held remotely on Zoom.  We don’t have a great deal of expertise but enough experience to believe we can do this!

The traditional aspects of the May 30 meeting will be at the center of the agenda:

  • Installation of new board officers
  • Honoring our 50-year members
  • Honoring our Named Give Honorees

At the time of writing this article for the May issue of Capitol Ideas, the meeting set up is still in development.   If possible, the virtual meeting will begin at the same time as the in-person meeting.  The Program Directors and Committee will send an e-blast as soon as the meeting perimeters have been established.  A reminder e0blast will be sent the week of the meeting with directions for how to “attend” the meeting. 

If you haven’t heard about how you may attend by Tuesday, May 26, or if you have questions about attending the meeting, please contact