Speech Trek Update

Speech Trek Update by Ann Arneill

Speech Trek Topic Discussion:
Saturday, January 16, 2021, 10:30-11:30am

Topic: Has social media helped or hindered the breaking down of barriers for women and girls?” 

  • Can you name 5 ways in which social media has helped?
  • How about 5 ways in which social media has hindered?
  • What do you think the students will say?

Join the Zoom discussion on January 16th at 10:30am! Meeting information coming soon.

Speech Trek is working with all nine campuses in the Elk Grove Unified High School District participating in our public speaking contest.  We are holding workshops, led by Shari Beck, Kathleen Deaver, and Ann Arneill.  At these workshops, we inform students about the contest rules, present the topic, give them resources for researching the topic, and provide public speaking tips.  Once the students have completed their speech drafts, we give them feedback on their speeches.  The topic this year is “Has social media helped or hindered the breaking down of barriers for women and girls?”  The contest will be held on February 20, 2021 on Zoom.