Upcoming AAUW Vote

Upcoming AAUW Vote By Liz Jordan and Karen Burley

2021 Comment Period: Bylaws Amendment

This spring AAUW members will vote on proposed changes recommended by the AAUW Board of Directors and AAUW Governance Committee that would eliminate the degree requirement for membership. Now through Feb. 5, 2021, you can comment on the proposed changes. All submitted comments or proposed changes will be reviewed by AAUW’s staff and the AAUW Governance Committee. Debate on open membership will take place in national town halls, and state and branch meetings this spring.

Here is how to comment or propose a change:

  1. Read the current AAUW bylaws and review the proposed changes at aauw.org/resources/member/governance-tools/national-election/2021-comment-bylaws/
  2. Submit any comments or proposed changes by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, Feb. 5, 2021.

The Reason behind this Proposal

AAUW’s mission is to advance gender equity, yet the requirement for membership explicitly denies access to membership to those without college degrees. AAUW does not promote equity for all women and girls if the organization maintains exclusionary membership requirements. The membership requirement is not fair, is not right, and is not equity. This is simply the right thing to do.

For this proposed amendment, the Saving Clause in the bylaws is eliminated as it refers to degrees from institutions which have lost their accreditation and will no longer be necessary if the proposed amendment is approved by the membership. The Student Associates clause is removed as students become eligible for full membership with the elimination of the degree requirement. Language has been added to the Dues section to give the AAUW Board of Directors explicit authority to set a dues rate of $0 for students or any other category of membership the Board deems appropriate.