Call for Candidates – 2021-2022 Board Needs YOU! By Liz Jordan
Without members willing to say yes, we can’t have a local branch of AAUW. We need you; in return, you grow in knowledge, skills and friendship by agreeing to serve on the board of directors.
The AAUW Sacramento Nominating Committee is looking for members to join the fun!
- Serving on the board to keep your favorite gender equity organization going is a lot like your favorite interest group – you have fun; you learn new things; you make lots of new friends.
Secretary – One-year volunteer to complete a current two-year term. A good way to learn more about AAUW. An elected position.
- Secretary’s most important job is note-taking during the monthly board meetings (plenty of help is offered and template exists for the secretary to use.)
- Write up the minutes and correct as input suggests.
- Word processing skills are important, but we aren’t looking for perfection – just help!!
- To know what actions/decisions the Sacramento board is working on.
- Updates website calendar monthly.
Membership Treasurer– position helps new members join and current members renew membership and donate. No term defined. Not elected
- Works with the Membership Director to process new members and renewals.
- Works with the Finance Director to deposit dues and donations and maintain a data base of donations made to local and national outreach and funds.
- Creates, publishes and distributes the Branch Directory
Membership Director –Two-year term, elected position.
- To try your hand at recruitment and maintenance of our membership.
- You can bring a friend as co-director to help plan new-member events and attend monthly board meetings.
President-Elect – a one-year, elected term; shadows the President before taking on two-year term of President. This position helps the next President to learn the scope of the job.
- Angela Scarlett, Molly Dugan and other Past Presidents have proven you can do this job while employed, too!
- President leads board meetings, keeps an eye on state and national developments and actions.
- Responds to members’ needs and questions.
Nominating Committee – two members needed
- Calls members to serve in elected positions.
- Meets infrequently November through February
We are an organization of volunteers. Please volunteer to keep our 101-year-old branch moving into the next 100 years.
Contact any of us: Molly Dugan, Elizabeth Jordan, Linda Sparks, Donna Holmes, or Hedda Smithson. Contact email addresses and phone numbers can be found in the Branch Directory.