Category Archives: Speech Trek

All posts related to AAUW Sacramento’s Speech Trek program.

Speech Trek Contest

Speech Trek Contest

Celebrates Its Winners

By Ann Arneill

On Saturday, February 15, 2025, the Speech Trek Committee held its Speech Trek Contest at Cosumnes River College with great success. An audience listened to three high school students from two Elk Grove Unified School District high schools speak on the topic: “Climate change is happening. The effects are widespread and touch upon almost all aspects of our life on this planet. Select an area of impact and explore the effects climate change is having on women in the USA, and around the world.”

First-place winner was Suyan Glozar, from Cosumnes Oaks High School, receiving $500. Second-place winner, Nikky Lin from Cosumnes High School, received $300. The third-place winner was Sierra Peters from Monterey High School, who received $100.

The Sacramento Branch’s winning speaker is entered in the AAUW CA Speech Trek semi-finals. If Suyan Glozar makes it into the top three, she will be invited to compete in the finals for $2,500. She will also present her speech at the May branch meeting.

Virginia Kidd, Ph.D., communications professor emeritus at CSUS, and our very own members Kathy Pabst and Carole Cline judged the contest. Thanks to branch member Karen Burley for technical assistance. We also appreciate the contribution of the hospitality committee.

This is the last year for the Speech Trek Contest because the AAUW California is discontinuing the contest. The Speech Trek committee would like to thank all the AAUW members who have supported the contest for all these years.

February Program – Speech Trek Contest

Speech Trek Contest By Ann Arneill

The 18th Annual Speech Trek contest will be held on Feb. 15, 2025 from 10a.m. to 1p.m. at Cosumnes River College off Bruceville Road in Room Winn 150. Students from the Elk Grove Unified High School District will be participating.

The topic this year is: “Climate change is happening. The effects are widespread and touch upon almost all aspects of our life on this planet. Select an area of
impact and explore the effects climate change is having on women in the USA,
and around the world.” Students will deliver 5- to 6-minute speeches for cash prizes.

The Speech Trek Committee just hosted the Speech Trek Challenge where AAUW
members had stimulating discussions about the topic in small groups after hearing a
background presentation orienting them to the subject. We encourage members to
attend this event every year as a lead-up to the contest.

We have had significant interest from students this year, and we hope that many AAUW
members come to the contest to give them an enthusiastic audience! To register for the event, click <here>,

Speech Trek News

Speech Trek News By Ann Arneill

The Speech Trek Committee has completed its efforts to recruit students from the Elk Grove high schools for the contest.  The contest will be held on Feb. 15, 2025 at 10AM at Cosumnes River College, so put that on your calendars!

Don’t forget about the Speech Trek Challenge that will be held via Zoom from 10:30AM to 11:30AM on Jan. 11, 2025.  Members will have a chance to discuss the topic in advance of the contest to pique their interest.  This year’s very timely topic is “Climate change is happening.  The effects are widespread and touch upon almost all aspects of our life on this planet.  Select an area of impact and explore the effects climate change is having on women in the USA, and around the world.”

Committee members have been preparing for the Challenge so that attendees will have background information to help them understand issues related to the topic and thought-provoking prompts to stimulate discussion.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many branch members who contributed to Speech Trek in 2023-24.  We appreciate our long-standing contributors and welcome the many new contributors this year.  Because of your generosity, we can award $1,075 in cash prizes to our winners each year.  Donors include Becky Anton, Kathleen Asay, Alice G. Bauer, Shari Beck, RosaLee Black, Jean Bonar, Margaret Brown, Karen Burley, Jane Cooley, Kathleen Deaver, Deborah Dunn, Judy Foote, Lori Franz, Cheryl Fuller, Joan Hammond, Marlys Huez, Elizabeth Jordan, Della Knowles, Catherine Locke, Mary Miller, Bonnie Penix, Diane Petersen, Ann Pickens, Anne Rhodes, Marianne Rorden, Elizabeth Rose, Sandi Schoenman, Kathryn Schrumpf, Gloria Sears, Barbara Smith, Hedda Smithson, Diana Squire, Shirley Wheeler, Linda Whitney, Patricia Winkle and Gloria Yost.

Speech Trek

Speech Trek News By Ann Arneill

Speech Trek, AAUW’s public speaking contest, is in its 18th year. Speech Trek is getting into full swing with our busy fall season. Eight high school campuses in the Elk Grove Unified School District are participating in our contest.  Students deliver 5- to 6-minute speeches extemporaneously for cash prizes ranging from $200 to $500.  The local winner can go on to the statewide competition to compete for a prize of $2,500.

The topic this year is very timely:  “Climate change is happening.  The effects are widespread and touch upon almost all aspects of our life on this planet.  Select an area of impact and explore the effects climate change is having on women in the USA, and around the world.”

Now is the time we recruit students to participate by distributing our promotional materials and having students sign up for workshops scheduled for November, which Liz Jordan and Ann Arneill will conduct.  At these workshops, we inform students about the contest rules, present the topic, give them resources for researching the topic and provide public speaking tips.  Once the students who decide to participate complete their speech drafts, we will give them feedback on their speeches.  The contest will be held on Feb. 15, 2025 at Cosumnes River College, so put that on your calendars!

Don’t forget about the Speech Trek Challenge that will be held via Zoom on Jan. 11, 2025.  Members will have a chance to discuss the topic in advance of the contest to pique their interest.

Speech Trek and Tech Trek News

17th Annual Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Winner By Ann Arneill

On Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024, the Speech Trek Committee held its Speech Trek contest via Zoom, with great success.  An audience listened to three high school students from three Elk Grove Unified School District high schools speak on the topic: If an educated population is essential to a nation’s prosperity, then how can we ensure a robust public school curriculum that is accessible to all and teaches historically accurate information?  In these times when states and school boards are censoring the content of school curriculum, this topic is very timely.

First-place winner was Alyssa Wong, from Laguna Creek High School, receiving $500.  Second-place winner, Nandi Moyo from Cosumnes High School, received $300.  The third-place winner was Maryluz Sandig from Laguna Creek High School, who received $100.

The Sacramento Branch’s winning speaker is entered in the AAUW CA Speech Trek Semi-finals.   If Alyssa Wong makes it to into the top three, she will be invited to compete in the finals for $1,500.  She will also present her speech at the May branch meeting.

Virginia Kidd, Ph.D., communications professor emeritus at CSUS, and our very own members Liz Jordan and Linda Patterson judged the event.  AAUW member Kathleen Deaver served as timekeeper for the contest.  Thanks to branch member Karen Burley for technical assistance.

The Speech Trek Committee would like to expand its membership.  Working on Speech Trek is very gratifying.  You are helping high school students develop a skill that is no longer taught in public high schools. Public speaking will help them in their future schooling and their careers. Committee members can choose from a variety of tasks with varying degrees of responsibility.  Please consider volunteering for this committee.  Contact Shari Beck at or Ann Arneill at

TECH TREK has TREKERS! By Marlys Huez

The Tech Trek Committee is making great progress in preparing to send campers from our branch to the July 14-20 Tech Trek Camp at UC Davis.

Thanks to the diligent work of our wonderful Tech Trek committee recruiters, Gloria Yost and Kathleen Deaver, the applications for the July UC Davis camp are starting to arrive.  Gloria and Kathleen have done a great job with contacting principals/counselors and teachers, and working with parents to produce completed applications for another quality class of young women with interests in STEM fields.

We are becoming expert with the application and tracking software, CampDoc.  Chair Marlys Huez has proactively worked with the state and camp coordinators to keep our process and data responsibilities moving forward. Also, Lori Franz and Mary Miller co-chairs from last year, have happily rejoined the Tech Trek Committee along with Monique Stovall and Joyce Humphrey.  We are excited to be able to meet the applicants soon.

For those members who would like some limited, but very fun, interaction with the camps and campers, we have been asked to recruit volunteers, including a dorm mom, to help out during the Davis camp week.  Volunteers for a day are also welcome!  Please consider!

Speech Trek Contest – Feb. 10th

Speech Trek Contest By Ann Arneill

The 17th Annual Speech Trek contest will be held on Feb. 10, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Circumstances have arisen that result in the Speech Trek Committee deciding to have a virtual contest instead of an in-person one. Thus, we will hold the contest via Zoom.  The link will be sent a few days before the event to those who have registered through EventBrite by clicking <here>.

Students from the Elk Grove Unified High School District will participate.  The topic this year is, “If an educated population is essential to a nation’s prosperity, then how can we ensure a robust public school curriculum that is accessible to all and teaches historically accurate information?”   Students will deliver 5- to 6-minute speeches for cash prizes.  The contest will be judged by two of our long-standing members:  Liz Jordan and Linda Paterson in addition to a professor emeritus in communication studies from CSUS.

The Speech Trek Committee just hosted the Speech Trek Challenge where AAUW members had stimulating discussions about the topic in small groups after hearing a background presentation orienting them to the subject.  We encourage members to attend this event every year as a lead-up to the contest.

Since the contest is being held via Zoom, it will be very convenient for members to attend.  We look forward to a robust turnout!

The Speech Trek Committee would like to expand its membership.  Working on Speech Trek is very gratifying.  You are helping high school students develop a skill that is no longer taught in public high schools. Public speaking will help them in their future schooling and their careers. There are a variety of tasks that committee members can do with varying degrees of responsibility.  Please consider volunteering for this committee.  Contact Sheri Beck or Ann Arneill – their contact information can be found in the Membership Directory.

Speech Trek News

Speech Trek Update By Ann Arneill

The Speech Trek Committee has completed its recruitment for Elk Grove high school students to compete in the contest with this year’s topic:  “If an educated population is essential to a nation’s prosperity, then how can we ensure a robust public school curriculum that is accessible to all and teaches historically accurate information?” 

The contest will be held on Feb.10, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cosumnes River College, Room Winn 150. Please note that it is being held on the second weekend in February instead of the third weekend, and that it is starting at 10 a.m. rather than 9 a.m.  We hope that these changes will make it more convenient for AAUW members to attend. We hope to see you there!

We are looking forward to the Speech Trek Challenge that will be held via Zoom on Jan.13, 2024 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  Members will have a chance to discuss the topic in advance of the contest to pique their interest.  Groups will discuss the questions: 1) What is included in a strong, robust curriculum in a high school? 2) How do we shift to more historically accurate information in public school curriculum? 3) What is the meaning of Martin Luther King’s statement:  “Education is the road to equality and citizenship.”  To receive the Zoom link for the Speech Trek Challenge, register on Eventbrite <here>. We hope to see you there for a lively discussion of this important topic!

The committee is interested in increasing its membership.  We have a variety of tasks that committee members can perform from helping recruit students to doing administrative work.  Call Shari Beck or Ann Arneill for more information – their contact information can be found in the Membership Directory.

Interest Groups and Speech Trek

Interest Group Happenings By Vicki  Nicholson

  • Art & Architecture: Saturday, Dec. 2, Noon, Enjoy an architectural and stained glass tour of Pioneer Congregational Church.   Contact Deborah Dunn
  • Great Decisions I:  resumes in February, 2024, on Zoom. Contact Cathy Locke
  • Great Decisions II:  resumes in January, 2024, on Zoom. Contact Lynn Wood
  • Great Decisions III: Contact Margaret McCarthy
  • Healthy Heart:  Dec. 15, 11:30 a.m., Twin Lotus Thai, 8345 Folsom Blvd, Unit 119, Sacramento. Contact Jane Cooley
  • Reader’s Theater:  Dec. 12, 1 p.m., “The Constant Wife” by Somerset Maugham, home of Mary Williams. Contact Diane Peterson
  • Scrabble Just for Fun:  resumes in January, 2024. Contact Vivian Counts
  • Singles Dining:  Dec 3. 5. 6 p.m., Jade Garden, 9185 Kiefer Blvd, Sacramento. Contact Nancy McCabe

Speech Trek Update By Ann Arneill

The Speech Trek committee has completed its efforts to recruit students with the Elk Grove high schools for the contest. It will be held on Feb. 10, 2024 at Cosumnes River College, so put that on your calendars!

Don’t forget about the Speech Trek Challenge that will be held via Zoom in the morning on Jan. 13, 2024.  Members will have a chance to discuss the topic in advance of the contest to pique their interest. This year’s very timely topic is “If an educated population is essential to a nation’s prosperity, then how can we ensure a robust public school curriculum that is accessible to all and teaches historically accurate information?” 

Committee members have been preparing for the Challenge so that attendees will have background information to help them understand issues related to the topic and thought-provoking prompts to stimulate discussion. Don’t miss this opportunity to discuss an issue so important to the education of our young people.

The Speech Trek committee would like to expand its membership. Working on Speech Trek is very gratifying. You are helping high school students develop a skill that is no longer taught in public high schools. Public speaking will aid them in their future schooling and their careers. Committee members can do a variety of tasks with varying degrees of responsibility. Please consider volunteering for this committee.

Speech Trek Update

Speech Trek Update By Ann Arneill

Speech Trek is getting into full swing with our busy fall season.

All nine campuses in the Elk Grove Unified High School District participate in our public speaking contest. Now is the time we recruit students to participate by distributing our promotional materials and having students sign up for workshops scheduled for November, which Shari Beck and Ann Arneill will conduct. At these workshops, we inform students about the contest rules, present the topic, give them resources for researching the topic, and provide public speaking tips. Once the students who decide to participate have completed their speech drafts, we will give them feedback on their speeches.

The topic this year is very timely:  If an educated population is essential to a nation’s prosperity, then how can we ensure a robust public school curriculum that is accessible to all and teaches historically accurate information?

The contest will be held on Feb. 10, 2024 at Cosumnes River College, so put that on your calendars!

Don’t forget about the Speech Trek Challenge, which will be held via Zoom on Jan.13, 2024.  Members will have a chance to discuss the topic in advance of the contest to pique their interest.

The Speech Trek Committee would like to expand its membership. Working on Speech Trek is very gratifying. You are helping high school students develop a skill that is no longer taught in public high schools. Public speaking will help them in their future schooling and their careers. There are a variety of tasks that committee members can do with varying degrees of responsibility. Please consider volunteering for this committee.

Speech Trek News

Speech Trek News By Kathleen Deaver

Speech Trek, AAUW’s public speaking contest, is in its 17th year.  The very timely topic for 2023-2024 is “If an educated population is essential to a nation’s prosperity, then how can we ensure a robust public school curriculum that is accessible to all and teaches historically accurate information?”  We work with the 9 high schools in the Elk Grove Unified School District and recruit students to compete in the contest that will be held during February 2024 at Cosumnes River College. Students deliver 5-6 minute speeches extemporaneously for cash prizes ranging from $200-$500.  The local winner can go on to the statewide competition to compete for a prize of $1,500.  The committee is currently busy planning for student recruitment and scheduling workshops.  We hope for a successful year.

On Saturday, January 13, 2023, we will hold the Speech Trek Challenge, designed for AAUW members to attend to discuss the topic themselves in anticipation of the student contest.

The Speech Trek Committee is currently looking for branch members who would like to help prepare for the 2023-2024 Speech Trek activities and beyond…. If you are interested in joining the Speech Trek Committee, please contact Kathleen Deaver. Kathleen’s contact information can be found in the Membership Directory.