President’s Message By Nancy McCabe
I hope you are enjoying our Spring-like weather!
National is planning a $5 dues increase effective April 1, 2025. See the details here: Dues Information. None of these increases will affect Student Dues or MBHL-50-year honorary life members. The National increase does not affect MBL-Paid life members.
Please remember that our branch has a dues assistance fund if you need help. I know none of you wants to hear this but please read the rationale. Most of us can afford this, and it is needed and important that we keep working our mission!
Thanks to Donna Holmes, Membership Finance, for providing this information.
And…A Love Letter to AAUW Sacramento, by Hedda Smithson:
Here is my take on our beloved branch. First – is it loved? Yes, indeed it is loved. We have endured and flourished for more than 100 years. If that isn’t love, it will have to do – until . . . (oops – bird walk!) With recent efforts to have more efficiency, our board has been downsized and the elected positions are fewer in number. At this writing, we believe we have candidate(s) for program director. Our search for a president is ongoing.
We can see the headlines now:
AAUW Sacramento goes TOPLESS for 2025-2027
Well – that’s not an image we want to see. So – remember in school when the teacher asked for volunteers? And if no one raised her hand, the teacher just CALLED ON HER!
We don’t want that to happen – so – think about your skills and what you can contribute to our branch going forward! There will be LOTS of support offered – you won’t be alone. EVER! So – reach out and ask questions – and be sure to call us before we call you. It is time for one good woman (it could be two) to come to the aid of her branch.
Let the love flow … CALL Nancy McCabe. Phone number is on page 19 of the membership directory.
MEMBERSHIP DOINGS By Gloria Yost, Donna Holmes
Hopefully you all received the recent eBlast with contact information on new members and some revisions for current members. Please note that the last 4 digits of member Dr. Viki Montera-Heckman’s phone number are 1401.
If you have a question regarding membership, you can reach out to Gloria Yost or Vicky Lovell, contact information can be found in the Membership Directory.
Celebrating March Birthdays!
Happy Birthday to All!
- PJ Missman 3/1
- Patricia Morgan 3/5
- Sharon Norris 3/6
- Marjorie Patzer 3/6
- Julia Maclay 3/8
- Vicky Lovell 3/9
- Alice Bauer 3/14
- Mary Lou Lentz 3/17
- Carolyn Meeker 3/17
- Janice Chung 3/19
- Shelagh O’Rourke 3/20
- Elizabeth Jordan 3/28