Category Archives: Branch Budget

Budget Needs Branch Approval

2021-22 Budget Needs Branch Approval By Liz Jordan

The Board of Directors is reviewing the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2021-22, shown here. Branch members are asked to review the proposed budget, which will be voted on at the September Program meeting.

[Editor’s Note] A big THANK YOU to Liz for creating this budget for us!

Why be a Finance Director?

Why be a Finance Director? By Liz Jordan, Finance Director 2020-2022

Why would you want to be a Finance Director? 

  • Because you get to play with money!
  • Because you are using your brain for an excellent purpose!
  • Because you get to be in the know about all branch activities!
  • Because it’s easy! We have Quick Books! This subscription does all the math, practically reconciles the check book for you!
  • Also, we have a professional bookkeeper to help when you need help! And our branch has a budget to pay for these two important services.
  • It’s all set up and ready for a new volunteer!
  • You are an Essential Member of the leadership team. No Treasurer/No Branch.

I like to say, if I can do this job for AAUW, you can do it.  I am a language person.  I am an associative thinker.  I have an older brain.  If I can do this, you can too.  Volunteer.

Position will be open for the 2022-2023 year.  Find your “YES!” Contact Liz Jordan for more information.

2021-22 Budget Needs Branch Approval

2021-22 Budget Needs Branch Approval By Liz Jordan

The Board of Directors is reviewing the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2021-22, shown here. Branch members are asked to review the proposed budget, which will be voted on at the September Program meeting.

[Editor’s Note] A big THANK YOU to Liz for creating this budget for us!

Interest and Book Group Calendars, Our Proposed Branch Budget, Upcoming Save the Dates and Miscellaneous News



2019-20 Budget Needs Branch Approval by Donna Holmes & May Ruth Lynch

The Board of Directors has approved the budget for the fiscal year 2019-20, shown here. Branch members are asked to review the proposed budget, which will be voted on at the September Showcase.  Please direct any questions or suggestions to Donna Holmes at 916-863-7551 or Many thanks to all of you for your continued support of our branch. Bushels of gratitude to May Ruth Lynch for her years of devotion as our Finance Director! Enjoy not having to attend board meetings and handling this task.

Save the date for Tech Trek brunch By Cathy Locke

Mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct. 19, for a special brunch spotlighting AAUW’s Tech Trek program.

Middle school students will talk about what they experienced during their week at the UC Davis Tech Trek Camp. Members also will have an opportunity to ask questions and get acquainted with the girls.

“They are very excited to meet you all and want to thank you for all your generous support,” said Jo Reiken, branch Tech Trek director.

The event will be held from 10 a.m. to noon in the American River Room at Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova.

Look for more information in the October newsletter.

AAUW CA Convention: Save the Date!!!

April 17-19, 2020
Remembering the Past, Rockin’ the Future.
Westin San Francisco Airport

AAUW Sacramento Board Meeting Dates

All meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of the month with the exception of September.  All meetings are held at County Office of Human Assistance, 2700 Fulton Ave., Sacramento, CA unless otherwise arranged.

  • September Meeting – Monday, August 26, 2019
  • October Meeting – Monday, October 7, 2019
  • November Meeting – Monday, November 4, 2019
  • December Meeting – Monday, December 2, 2019
  • January Meeting – Monday, January 6, 2020
  • February Meeting – Monday, February 3, 2020
  • March Meeting – Monday, March 2, 2020
  • April Meeting – Monday, April 6, 2020
  • May Meeting – Monday, May 4, 2020
  • June Meeting – Monday, June 1, 2020

Board Briefs: June Board Meeting, June 3, 2019 by Cherril Peabody

Here are the highlights of the June AAUW Sacramento Board Meeting:

  • Co-President D. Holmes announced that Nancy Lawrence and Barbara Smith will be Co-Directors of Fundraising for 2019-20. She also announced that the Work Smart Challenge is underway, with the goal of having 500 people take the training this summer.
  • Tech Trek Co-Director J. Reiken reported that the girls who attend camp this summer will talk about their experiences at a branch meeting in October. The Tech Trek Committee is looking for new grant opportunities and fund-raising ideas to support the program.
  • Program Co-Director D. Dunn announced plans for some of the programs for the rest of the year. Katherine Lemke Waste will speak at the Holiday Luncheon scheduled for Dec. 14 at the Northridge Country Club. An advocate for women artists, she works with an organization called 25 in 25. The IBC Luncheon for AAUW members from seven area branches is slated for the last Saturday in January 2020.

New Business

  1. Jordan presented her outgoing co-president D. Holmes with a name tag that lists her many official past positions in AAUW Sacramento.

2017-2018 Budget Needs Branch Approval by May Ruth Lynch and Other Documents and Calendars for your Convenience

The Board of Directors has approved the budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 here. We request that all branch members review the proposed budget, as we will vote on it at the September Showcase.

Please direct any questions or suggestions to May Ruth Lynch at 382-4412 or

In addition to the budget, please click below to get hard copies of our interest group calendar, book group calendar and printable articles:

  • Click here for the interest group calendar
  • Click here for the book group calendar
  • Click here for printable articles

Our 2016-2017 Budget Needs Branch Approval by May Ruth Lynch

budget clipartThe Board of Directors has approved the budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 (click here to review). Branch members are asked to review the proposed budget, which will be voted on at the September Showcase. We are taking $1,000 from reserves to cover expenses for 2016-17. Because officers made contributions instead of submitting all expenses in 2014-15, we put approx $1,100 into reserves at the end of fiscal year 2015. We are taking this amount out to cover expenses for 2016-17. In 2017-18, we will be able to cover expenses from the dues increase of $4.

Please direct any questions or suggestions to May Ruth Lynch at (916) 382-4412 or


2015-16 Budget Needs Branch Approval by May Ruth Lynch

The Board of Directors has approved the budget for fiscal year 2015-16, and  we are asking Branch members to review the proposed budget and vote on it at the September Showcase.  Please direct any questions or suggestions to May Ruth Lynch at 382-4412 or

Please click on Budget 2015-16 for Membership Approval and Budget 2015-16 for Membership Approval Part2 to review the relevant documents.